API access

API access is primarily designated for integration partners and developers. It enables them to connect / integrate QES Portal with third-party information systems and applications, which are then able to verify signatures and batch sign documents.

Note: In order to access documentation, client libraries, and sample codes, you first need to register and log in.

Integration with QES Portal is typically implemented using the REST API defined by the OpenAPI / Swagger specification. Basic concepts for signing are illustrated in the Disig QES Portal Overview. Advanced integration concepts are described in the integration guide.

REST API provided by QES Portal can be consumed on almost any platform but there are ready-to-use client libraries available for .NET and JAVA (QES Portal Client .NET and QES Portal Client JDK 1.8). There is also a source code of sample integrated portal available for these platforms (Demo Portal .NET and Demo Portal JDK 1.8).

API access is a paid premium feature and is currently only available to the partners with a signed contract. Please contact api@disig.sk for more details.